In Touch With Wordpress And GitHub

Information Technology constantly evolves. A lot of new technologies are introduced regularly. Some of them will replace currently established technologies but the others will rest unused. So it is obvious for IT practitioner to learn new technologies regularly.

Since last year, I've also been learning 2 new technologies through my own project. They are Wordpress and GitHub. Getting in touch with these in my own project allow me to learn by practice, trial and error. (Yes, I have quite high score in intrapersonal skill -- see multiple intelligence introduction).

Wordpress is currently the most popular software for publishing on web. I use wordpress to develop my website which is targeted for sunday school community. Through this project I learn many things about web development, security, plugins and also buzzwords around them, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), web analytic and cloud software.

I also learn about GitHub which is a new kid in software revision control arena. It is based on Git, a software revision control developed by Linus Torvald, the father of GNU/Linux. GitHub itself is a web software solution and has free plan for personal or organization use.

I use GitHub as a repository for my Recaptcha for Wordpress plugin. It is my first wordpress plugin. Well, not a brand new plugin actually but a fork of unmaintained wp-recaptcha plugin. I add custom style option so we can display recaptcha using our own defined style.

Characteristics Of Embedded System

(updated 14/09/2014)

After knew the definition of embedded system, we can step forward to see the characteristics of embedded system. In case this is your first visit to this blog, please consider to see the previous articles: the definition of embedded system and visual contact with embedded system as background.

Ok, let's back to the topic of this article. These are some characteristics of embedded system.

Characteristic #1 - A combination of hardware and software
This is the current characteristic of embedded system and as result of the advance of science and technology. In the past, embedded system, as other computing systems, is build totally from hardware. But today, some parts of the hardware have been replaced by software. Software also adds intelligence into embedded system, such as in current smart devices.

Characteristic #2 - Limited time
Embedded system works almost in real time. It means that embedded system processes input information and deliver the output as fast as possible. Of course there is time delay between input and output. But the delay is quite small and usually has maximum time limit.

To be able to work in this limited time delay, embedded system only processes certain information which is not too complex for it. But again, this complexity grows with the advance of science and technology. More and more complex information now can be processed by embedded system within its time limitation.

Characteristic #3 - Limited power
Sometimes embedded system works in environment where power source is not always available, such as in remote devices, portable devices and mobile devices. In this condition, embedded system will sleep to conserve its power as long as possible, works only as needed and using power as minimum as possible.

Characteristic #4 - Limited space
Embedded system used in small or portable devices has limited space that shared with other components inside. In this case, the design of embedded system uses either less number or smaller size of hardware. The hardware embedded system could have most functions needed by this device or could be shared between hardware and software of embedded system.

Characteristic #5 - Limited functions
Embedded system virtually can be used for any purpose. But with any limits which are available in implementation, it is then only used for specific purpose. To do this, embedded system only uses limited number of functions which are enough for its purpose.

3 Tips Mencegah Akun Facebook Di Cracked

Saya perhatikan ada beberapa teman di facebook yang mengalami permasalahan akunnya dibajak oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Akun ini kemudian dipakai untuk hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, seperti menampilkan iklan-iklan promosi yang tidak jelas, melakukan teror/kejahatan dan menampilkan konten-konten porno.

Sontak hal ini menghasilkan rasa risi dan jengkel. Bukan hanya dari si pemilik akun asli, tapi juga dari teman-teman si pemilik akun asli. Si pemilik asli ini juga tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena telah kehilangan kontrol atas akun miliknya.

Saya bukan spesialis dalam bidang keamanan sistem informasi. Tapi setidaknya ada 3 hal mendasar yang dapat saya bagikan untuk mencegah terulangnya kejadian seperti ini.

Pertama, perbaiki komposisi password anda. Password yang baik terdiri atas minimal 8 karakter dengan tipe karakter yang berbeda-beda. Password juga jangan berasal dari nama anda atau kata-kata di dalam kamus.
  • &xdDsalm adalah password yang baik, sedangkan &xdDsa bukan password yang baik
  • iks&7b35T adalah password yang baik, sedangkan mountfuji bukan password yang baik
  • braveheart dan br4v3heart, dua-duanya bukan password yang baik

Kedua, ganti secara teratur password anda setelah kurun waktu tertentu. Misalnya 1 bulan sekali, 2 bulan sekali, 3 bulan sekali atau maksimal 6 bulan sekali. Ini untuk mengurangi kemungkinan password anda dijebol oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Ketiga, jika memang anda sudah bosan atau malas bermain-main dengan facebook, saya sarankan sebaiknya hapus saja akun anda. Tindakan ini akan mencegah akun-akun yang sepi ditinggalkan pemiliknya dibajak dan digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan yang tidak benar.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Visual Contact With Embedded System

Have you ever seen any embedded system? If you haven't, all pictures below would help you comprehend the embedded system.

1. Minimum System 8031 Board by El-Tech Electronics
This is an old development board for Intel microcontroller 8031. It contains microcontroller, EPROM, RAM, Parallel interface and Serial data communication.

2. Servomotor Controller Module by Yasakawa
This module is made by Yasakawa and used to control AC motor in industries. It contains microcontroller, Flash ROM, RAM and Serial data communication.

3. Printer Controller Board by Epson
This is a controller board inside Epson C58 inkjet printer. At top side of the board, you can see ROM, amplifier and motor driver ICs. Also there are parallel and USB connectors for data communication. The microcontroller is located at bottom side of the board (not shown).

4. Hard Disk Controller Board by Seagate
This is a controller board on a hard disk manufactured by Seagate. There are main controller, motor controller and parallel ATA interface at the board.