1. Minimum System 8031 Board by El-Tech Electronics
This is an old development board for Intel microcontroller 8031. It contains microcontroller, EPROM, RAM, Parallel interface and Serial data communication.
2. Servomotor Controller Module by Yasakawa
This module is made by Yasakawa and used to control AC motor in industries. It contains microcontroller, Flash ROM, RAM and Serial data communication.
3. Printer Controller Board by Epson
This is a controller board inside Epson C58 inkjet printer. At top side of the board, you can see ROM, amplifier and motor driver ICs. Also there are parallel and USB connectors for data communication. The microcontroller is located at bottom side of the board (not shown).
4. Hard Disk Controller Board by Seagate
This is a controller board on a hard disk manufactured by Seagate. There are main controller, motor controller and parallel ATA interface at the board.